The US Fed
led by Ben Bernanke has created a fiscal death trap for unknowledgable investors.
There is a mirage that has blinded investors and duped them into a sense of
comfort and security. As the stock market continues to rage on with zero
fundamentals it becomes more and more apparent that this is going to end badly.
GDP growth is an
out-and-out lie... Real job creation is non-existent... Inflation is rising
(don’t believe the government)... And let’s not forget America’s nearly $17 trillion
debt that hovers over our heads like a 2 ton anvil.
The government and
the media are all pitching an economic recovery, but just ask yourself does
Constitute an
economic recovery. Does 1.5% growth reflect an economic recovery?
The present
fiscal policy is to continually print new money which keeps the Banks balance
sheets looking good and this money also artificially keeps interest rates low. Presently
the FED is printing over $1T per year to keep the Banks propped up. This isn’t capitalism;
it is a private enterprise through government. Without all the printing the
Banks would fail, in a true capitalistic enterprise the Banks would be allowed
to fail and then the recovery could begin.
So now we
have an artificially inflated stock market that is not allowed to correct
itself as would happen in a true market. Make no mistake; stocks are only going up because of increased liquidity
from the Fed and corporate measures that reduce costs (reduction in workforce
and other general administration cutbacks).
The average
investor has no idea that 80% of trades executed in the stock market are done
by high-frequency trading algorithms. And those algorithms are operating on
flawed data (see: "official" unemployment rates). The flawed data is
all manipulated through government controls and reporting. Do you really believe
the inflation numbers, unemployment numbers and other leading and lagging
indicators put out by the government? Just look around you, what is happening
to food prices? What is happening with energy costs? How many of your neighbors
are working at full time jobs?
So the only sign we have that things are going well
is a stock market that's no market at all.
This week the FED once again decided to keep the
pedal to the metal and continue to print more money. They know that if interest
rates were allowed to rise in the short term we would be looking at a crash of
the bond market, a real correction in the stock market and the insolvency of
many banks in the system. The problem is that while the cheap money keeps the
Banks and Stock Market afloat it also consistently erodes the value of the
dollar. At this moment the markets are driven by bad news in an opposite direction;
in other words bad news is good news and good news is bad news. The market is
totally upside down in its thinking because investors realize that bad news
makes the FED continue to print money. Sadly this ride has to end regardless of
market conditions.
There is a point at which your debt is worthless
and there are no buyers. Presently the largest purchaser of US debt is the FED.
That means we are purchasing our own debt with money we are presently printing.
The market for US debt is continuing to shrink and the only way to keep it
going is for the US to print money and purchase their own debt. This type of
strategy wouldn’t even be acceptable in an ECON 101 class.
The more damning dilemma is the reserve currency
status. Presently the US has the ability to print their own money and control their
interest rates because of the global status of being the reserve currency. The
continued devaluation of the dollar will make it less attractive as the reserve
currency. This will open the door for China to become the reserve currency and
then the US will have to actually pay down the insurmountable debt that will be
Why is any of this important? Well you must be
aware and make decisions which will allow you to keep your wealth. If you simply
stand on the sidelines and wait it out you will find nothing left in your
cupboard. It is time to take action and make smart decisions about money.
The Advocacy Network will be providing important
and timely financial information on WMTS. We will have 4 hours of programming
that will provide our listeners with practical and profitable financial
strategies. You will learn about growth companies in Canada, Europe, Dubai and
other Global international opportunities. You will learn how to best make these
investments and where to find the best professionals to deal with. You will
gain perspective and have the peace of mind in knowing that all our introductions
are fully vetted and pass through the most diligent due diligence process.
Watch for the programming schedule to be announced
soon, and get registered and set up at