Continuing on our search for the magic silver
bullet please see the copy below. The average consumer has no real exposure to
the manipulations in marketing and sales. The proof of this is that the average
sales person doesn’t even recognize these manipulations, as is proved below.
The copy you see below is targeted to Insurance professionals. Imagine how
exposed the average consumer is when many so called sales professionals can be
victimized by this type of marketing manipulation.
The human nature trigger to all these
manipulations is greed. The process is simple, everybody fears poverty. As
Napoleon Hill referenced there are 6 basic fears that everyone experiences. The
one that leads to scarcity driven behavior is always the fear of poverty. The
fear of loss is founded within this fear of poverty. What happens is that you
begin to see the world in terms of scarcity as opposed to abundance. The law of
supply and demand begins to shrink the world around you and slowly you begin to
believe that there is not enough to go around and certainly not enough
prospects in the market place for one to make a living. This is simply not true
and never will be true. The truth is we live in a world filled with abundance
and it is equally available to everyone. There is no need for a magic silver
bullet to begin with. We all have free and clear our own magic silver bullet
and it is between our ears. Your mind is the corridor to your successful
ventures in life. Everything you need is right in front of you and can be
tapped into FREE of charge. Now does that mean that people shouldn't trade goods,
services, information? Of course not! There will always be need for good and
meaningful information, solutions to specific needs that people have during their
lifetimes. A society thrives upon the good will and commerce it creates among
its people.
What is not necessary is predator behavior and
manipulative fear, greed driven practices. These types of practices will
unfortunately always exist. The trick is to recognize it when you see it. You
do not have to experience it to recognize it. You simply need the awareness of
it, and when you see it you will know it! I am not the judge and arbiter of
good and bad. I do however have knowledge and experience in the world of sales
and marketing manipulation. Your financial health and well being is too
important an aspect of your life to be victimized by predators and
incompetents. If you are a sales professional it is even more important that
you recognize and refuse to play this type of game. Integrity is the foundation
of creating meaningful relationships that are based upon trust. In the end all
you and I will ever have is the relationships we form over our lifetime. If we
value those relationships and protect them we will be able to maintain an
attitude of abundance and therefore create the very abundance we seek. All the
while we will also create abundance for those relationships surrounding us. Please
see below:
weren't sure that we should even have this free telephone seminar
because of the controversy surrounding the topic. You see, there is an
underground selling technique that is so powerful that, if used improperly, can
be used to influence someone against their will. Traditional sales trainers
don't teach it because most of them are unaware that it exists.
But we decided to have the call because our goal is to help you gain every advantage possible... and the simple yet powerful breakthrough sales techniques you'll discover will not only give you a HUGE advantage, but will help you close sales faster, and dramatically increase your commissions.
On this 70-minute call, you will discover:
- How to plant thoughts in your prospect's mind!
- Instantly know what your prospect is thinking!
- Compel prospects to agree with you and say "yes!"
- Discover one simple phrase that melts away prospect resistance!
- Develop rapport with anyone in 4 minutes or less! Even in your marketing
message. - Five easy steps to skyrocketing your sales!
- How to subconsciously influence your prospects!
- How to get qualified leads to respond to your advertisements as if
they were
in a hypnotic trance. - Why you should never
disqualify people before using this simple technique...
(You are losing a lot of sales if you don't do this.) - How to become a sales superstar who earns huge commissions with
no extra work or effort!
If any of this sounds
interesting to you... you OWE it to yourself to attend this upcoming free
teleseminar, where I'm going to reveal every mind boggling secret about my
little known, but amazing lead methods and hypnotic sales techniques that will
Explode Your Commissions like a fireworks display on the fourth of July!
During This Eye-Opening Teleseminar You're Going To Be Exposed To The Most Electrifying Lead Techniques And Astonishing Selling Methods Ever Created!
Just by listening about these amazing sales and marketing methods, you will be liberated forever from the prison of high pressure, low success, low commission, low self esteem "sales methods" you've been taught by the "geniuses" at the Home Office!
During This Eye-Opening Teleseminar You're Going To Be Exposed To The Most Electrifying Lead Techniques And Astonishing Selling Methods Ever Created!
Just by listening about these amazing sales and marketing methods, you will be liberated forever from the prison of high pressure, low success, low commission, low self esteem "sales methods" you've been taught by the "geniuses" at the Home Office!
The above message is filled with an attitude of scarcity.
Start with the phrase “compel prospects to agree with you and say “yes” I
especially love the hypnotic trance line. For those who really have knowledge
of the sub-conscious and the hypnotic state you already know that anyone in
such a state cannot be compelled to do anything they wouldn’t do in their
primary consciousness. The EXPLODE your commissions and having a huge advantage
over the competition are simple sales motivators to get you in the sales
process. This is the regular sales copy that has been around since the
dinosaurs walked the earth and it continues on because it WORKS! It works
because people want to believe it will work. $500-2000 later you will simply be
$500-2000 poorer. Scarcity always does this. There are meaningful
self-development programs that rightfully require your personal investment in
yourself. Magic silver bullet marketing plans are simply not one of these
meaningful personal investments. Invest in yourself and your own human
development, in this way you can deliver value to others and create the
abundance that guarantees your success.
**Actual email solicitation received by
licensed insurance agent
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