The Supreme Court made its decision on the Obamacare mandate and it is no surprise that they determined Congress has the constitutional right to tax its citizentry. No problem, of course Congress did not tell the US citizentry that the IRS would collect the penalties for not purchasing insurance through the mandate. Of course had they been transparent on that small issue the bill probably couldn't have passed quietly in a late night run through a Democratic controlled vote on this bill.
Now there is transparency as to what the 2500+ pages of this bill really intended. The IRS (The bill always had the IRS set up to collect the penalties, therefore it was always a tax, yet that is not what the President or any of those who pushed this bill publicly stated) has been given a full control over the mandate for health insurance and every American is now subjetc to purchasing health insurance or having the IRS on your back. There has never been anything similar to this other then the ERISA controls over qualified retirement plans. I mention this because get ready for it, the next move is the tax grab though your IRA and 401k plans. How will this happen? It will be in the format of a mandate which forces a percentage of the IRA and 401k to be invested in US Treasuries. The Fed can then keep rates artificially low and this new ERISA mandate can successfully reach into the American pocket and assure that the US citizens continue to be stuck with the bill run up by the government. (as the appetite for US debt dies globally this will be the only pocket left for the US government to pass the aged and poor debt to). If you think Donald Milliken was the King of the Junk bond you are in for a real shock.
It is time to make serious decisions about moving your qualified investments into non-qualified vehilces where the government cannot mandate what you invest in. If you wait too long there will be no option for your dollars as a simple mandate will force the issue of where you may invest your qualified dollars. Caveat Emptor on all IRA's and 401k's.
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